
Tuesday, February 28, 2017


i'm not one who normally makes new year's resolutions. maybe because i know that i won't actually keep them, but this year i wanted to challenge myself to make goals and let others know about them as a way to keep myself accountable.

here's a list a some of my goals for 2017:

1. self care! i go, go, go as a mother, and i need to stop and be more intentional about doing things for myself. motherhood doesn't overwhelm me, but i think that it's important to hold on to my own self and interests as well.

2. build this blog. it's been a dream of mine to be a full-time blogger for years now, and i really want to work hard this year to peruse this dream. i'm not giving up my grad schools plans for this anytime soon, but people actually earn a living from blogging these days! DREAM! my realistic goals for building the blog are: writing at LEAST two post per week- eventually transitioning into writing everyday- investing the money into the process, connect with other bloggers and continuing researching how to make it grow.

3. watch youtube videos to learn to use photoshop.

4. pray EVERYDAY. before becoming a mother, prayer was a way of life for me. these days, i don't have hours to spend in that "quiet place," but i can dedicate at least 30 mins to connecting with God. and no, i haven't been good at keeping up with it...

5. read the bible EVERYDAY. read above and replace "prayer" with "bible reading" and it's the same story.

6. read more poetry and literature that i love.

7. go to at least five new countries. i spent the first week of january in denmark and sweden, so i guess technically i only have three more to go!

8. less time on facebook.

9. more quality time with the kids. i spend A LOT of time with them, and we do a lot of projects and outings, but i want to make sure that as the girls are getting older, i am spending quality time with each of them to build closeness and a continued open relationship. quality time is especially important to ama, and i want to be sure that i am giving them quality and not just quantity.

10. read a parenting book. as the girls are getting older, parenting is becoming more challenging. i want to have a healthy balance of boundaries and rules along with them being fierce and powerful. also, i want to read a book about raising boys- a subject that i am clueless on.

11. get a beautiful photo shoot done with the kids! i've been trying to make it a point to take more photos of myself -i'm the one always taking the pictures- and i really want to take professional ones with nasi and the girls.

12. buy more things for myself. really, i use to be SOOO good at this! before having children, you'd never have to convince me that i should spend money on me! i had (have) a thing for expensive make-up and nice clothes, but none of that seemed to matter anymore once i had my babies! i gladly give all that i have to them -ok, and to travel!- but i do need to buy nice for myself as well. this lipstick is calling my name, and i'm going to spend $30 on it...guilt free!

13. finish old craft projects. i have a quilt that i started back when lili was about seven months old that i need to finish. so, um, yeah... i want to get into the habit of finishing things that I've started, and to make sure that i'm teaching the kids this same thing. i'm making it a point to inforce that they finish books that they've started reading, even if they find them "boring."

14. learn a new craft. crochet will be first, and then maybe weaving or macramé. i'll stay realistic and aim for crocheting.

15. plant a vegetable garden. i FINALLY have a big yard with the space to do so- who wants to help me get started?!

16. only surround myself with loving and supportive people.

17. the most cliché goal of all: exercise.

18. find a place to volunteer.

19. laugh more. because, well, no one can ever have enough laughter in their life!

20. save more money.

21. connect with friends more often in real life, and not just on facebook.

what are your some of your goals for 2017, and how can i help keep you accountable?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such a fabulous set of goals!!!!!!! (re-posted w/ correct

    Some of my goals for 2017:

    1. Be Kind to myself as I grow as a human being
    2. Meditate at least 2 times a day.
    3. Practice Spanish DAILY!
    4. Building my coaching practice so I continue to help couples have relationships that feel FABULOUS.
    5. Travel to at least 4 locations - 2 of which are Mexico (anniversary!!!!) and Puerto Rico.
    6. I'll add more goals as the year continues

    You can help keep me accountable by you being accountable to your goals and dreams. When I see others following through and keeping their promises to themselves, it always lights a fire under my a** to do the same.

    You're Brilliant and Beautiful in so many ways!

    1. sister, i love you! i love the goals that you set for yourself- they're all so practical and i can see accomplishing them this year!! okay, and we'll keep inspiring each other by following through with these goals! once a month i should do a "goal keeping update" on the blog! lol
      love you!

    2. and i especially love the goal of being kind to yourself as you're growing- YES!

  3. loving thr blog boo. some of my goals...

    - Travel ( i did Barcelona and Paris. Planning Frankfurt later this year).
    - Learn French. Boy did my trip to Paris make me realize it's time to get back to my Learning French goal.
    - Find more volunteer attorney opportunities
    - adopt a refugee family

    There are more but these are some of my top ones. Yay 2017!

    1. thanks, toku! actually learning another language is one of my goals as well, and i'm thinking of taking one of the community ed classes soon- we'll see! i think i have too many goals already...and i didn't even write out my whole list on here! hahaha! and i love the idea of adopting a refugee family! my volunteer goal is actually to volunteer with refugees; i'm drawn to ones from arab lands, but i am open to go where there is need. and the one about using your skills as a lawyer to help others- LOVE IT! when are we going on a trip together?!


  4. المحترفون- كشف تسريبات المياه بالرياض 0543578920& شركة المحترفون لكشف تسريبات المياه فى الرياض والمملكه العربيه السعوديه بدون تكسير تعد أعرق وافضل شركة فى مجال كشف تسريبات المياه فهى الافضل على الاطلاق على الصعيد الداخلى فى المملكة العربية السعودية وبالأخص فى الرياض وليس هذا فقط ومن أفضلها عالميا وذلك لانها تقدم الحل الأمثل فى مجال كشف تسرب المياه ولكى تقول وداعا لارتفاع فواتير المياه تماما فشركة المحترفون لكشف تسريب المياه واصلاحها بدون تكسير تعتمد على احدث الاجهزة الاكترونية والتقنيات العالمية مع الضمان المقدم من الشركة على جميع الاعمال التى تقوم بها بالاضافة الى مهندسين مهاريين مختصين ومدربين فى مجال كشف تسربات المياه والحل الفورى والسريع لتلك المشكلة بدون خسائر ولا تضييع للوقت وبدون تكسير وايضا بدون اهدار للمال واهدار الوقت ويقوم المهندسين بالكشف عن مكان الخلل دون احداث اضرار سواء فى (دورات المياه مطابخ شبكات مياه ).فتقدم شركة المحترفون لكشف تسريبات المياه بالرياض هذه الخدمة حفاظا على المنزل وحفاظا على اساسة لانها من اخطر المشكلات لتى تواجة المبانى واضرارها بالغة الخطوره . ويجب توخى الحذر من هذه المشكلة فهناك نوعين من تسرب المياه داخل المنزل ويجب على العميل الصيانة الدورية للمنزل والاهتمام بجميع التفاصيل ويحذر من التهاون فى اى مشكله مهما كانت صغيره فى نظرك لانك لا تعلم ماهى العواقب والتوابع لتلك المشكله
